Posted 5 years ago on December 10, 2019 16:48
I'm back to playing figment cuz admittedly i forgot about it lol
how do we make money? what can we do on site? I know my pet has to eat so it can explore or smth like that but why should I explore?
how do we make money? what can we do on site? I know my pet has to eat so it can explore or smth like that but why should I explore?
Posted 4 years ago on June 16, 2020 17:44
I know this is old, but its important info for folks to have anyway XD
Making money is done by Exploring (hence why its important to have your pets fed lol) Each area has certain draws and drawbacks to going there
what you can do on site is pretty limited at this point, its mostly exploring to get Feathers (our in-game currency) to buy items to dress your character up, but more is coming XD
Banangopinemon smells and tastes like Yellow
Making money is done by Exploring (hence why its important to have your pets fed lol) Each area has certain draws and drawbacks to going there
what you can do on site is pretty limited at this point, its mostly exploring to get Feathers (our in-game currency) to buy items to dress your character up, but more is coming XD
Banangopinemon smells and tastes like Yellow
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