Posted 4 years ago on June 11, 2020 03:31
1. Short summary of what you are seeing: (Be as detailed as possible, if you need to include more information, please do so at the end of this form)
2. Link to the location of the bug: (If this is happening in multiple locations and you do not wish to include a link, please be descriptive in where you're seeing this)
3. Expected result: (What do you expect should happen?)
4. Actual result: (What are you seeing is happening?)
5. Recreation Steps: (Can you recreate the problem? If so, what were the exact steps you took to recreate the problem?)
6. Additional Information: (This can include screenshots or more details)
1. When doing exploration, there's at least one negative task that allows you to simply skip the negative outcome by continuing exploring without clicking the button.
3. I expected the to deduct the steps anyway when I clicked past it.
4. Instead, I kept the steps and just moved on.
5. The encounter in particular is the one where you test your luck with a pride of... lionlike creatures? Don't know the name for them yet. You click a button that says "This was a bad idea!" and then you lose a few steps. To reproduce, explore until you get that event, and then continue exploring, without clicking the button.
6. There may be more negative events like this in other areas, I haven't seen everything there is to see yet.
Posted 4 years ago on June 11, 2020 19:12
All of our events are skippable :s Thank you for bringing this to our attention!! We plan a whole re-vamp of the explore feature, which means fixing little stuff like this isn't feasible while we're working behind the scenes to make our new feature XD
thank you for your time!!
Banangopinemon smells and tastes like Yellow
thank you for your time!!
Banangopinemon smells and tastes like Yellow
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